Tim Goldstein, Autistic Philosopher of Neurodiversity: Life in the Neuro Cloud™

Interviewing and Career Building for the Autistic and everyone else

August 16, 2022 Tim Goldstein Season 2 Episode 6

This is the audio track of a presentation I did for BACEmploy.com and their students in their LaunchIT program. This program trains autistic adults and veterans with PTSD the technologies to become Google certified.

This is an amazing program and Susan who runs it does a wonderful job teaching not only the tech, but the skills to be a successful employee. If you want to see the video version with the presentation deck head to my site at:  https://timgoldsteinmedia.mykajabi.com/blog/interviewing

For more interviewing help and tips check out my book "Geeks Guide to Interviews: 15 Critical Items for the tech type" Available on Amazon

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