Tim Goldstein, Autistic Philosopher of Neurodiversity: Life in the Neuro Cloud™
Tim Goldstein, Autistic Philosopher of Neurodiversity: Life in the Neuro Cloud™
Tim Talks with Autism & ADHD Coach Genie Love About Dealing With the Problem Not the Label
I had a very enjoyable and informative conversation with Genie Love. While Genie's background is in special education where she worked extensively with high school students, it also has some very interesting twists and turns that helped create the unique perspective she brings to her coaching of adults.
One point that came up which I believe in deeply, and so does Genie, is that it doesn't matter what condition label is attached to someone, it is the behaviors we need to be concerned with. If the problem is blurting out in group discussions does it really matter if they are autistic, ADHD, or neurotypical? Regardless of the label the behavior is what the focus needs to be on, not which of all the factors in a human is causing it to happen.
Enjoy a great conversation with one of the few coach focused on helping neurodistinct adults and particularly working neurodistinct adults.